2023 tax bills were mailed on Dec. 8, 2023. Tax bills are also available on the Iowa County Treasurer's website.
First Installment or Full Payment is due 1/31/2024:
Only payments postmarked or otherwise received on or before December 31, 2023 will be recorded as paid in 2023. Otherwise, first installments or full payments are due January 31, 2024.
Please include the appropriate stub with your payment. Do not send your entire printed tax bill. On-time first installment or full payments should be made payable to Town of Wyoming, and mailed to Albert Friedman, Treasurer, 6672 Lower Wyoming Road, Spring Green, WI 53588 608-333-3631 [email protected]
Payments made after January 31, 2024 will be considered late payments and will be processed by the Iowa County Treasurer. Late payment of first installment or full payment should be made out to Iowa County Treasurer and mailed to the Iowa County Treasurer, 222 N. Iowa St., Dodgeville, WI 53533.
Second Installment:
If your tax bill qualified and you chose to pay in installments, the second installment is due July 31, 2024. Do not send payment to the Town Treasurer.
Second installment payments should be made payable to Iowa County Treasurer and be sent, with tax stub, to: Iowa County Treasurer, 222 N. Iowa Street, Dodgeville, WI 53533.
If you want a receipt for payment, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment.