
Important Notice

Voter ID is now in effect. Voters must bring a photo ID to the polls. To find out how to get a free ID, visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission website.


Register to vote

Voter registration is required in Wisconsin. Start the registration process online at There are three options for registering:

1. By mail: Download the Application for Voter Registration, complete the form and mail it into your municipal clerk's office up to 5 pm on the 13th day before the election, along with a copy of your proof of residence.

2. In person: Register in the municipal clerk's office up to 5 pm on the Friday before the election. You must bring your proof that you have lived at your present location for 28 days preceding the election. Contact Clerk Mary Lloyd-Jones at 608-588-4335.

3. At the polling place on election day: If you wish to register to vote at your polling place, you must bring proof that you have lived at your present location for 28 days preceding the election.

Note that if you have a Wisconsin Driver's License, that number is required on the registration form. If you do not have a WI Driver's License you may use a Wisconsin identification card number. If you have neither of these, the last four digits of your Social Security number are acceptable. One of these numbers plus your birth date are required to process your registration.

For purposes of voter registration, acceptable Proof of Residence may be your Driver’s License or another document that includes:

  1. A current and complete name, including both the given and family name; and
  2. A current and complete residential address, including a numbered street address, if any, and the name of your municipality.


Forms of identification which constitute acceptable proof of residence are issued by a unit of government:

Local units of government include:

  • city, town or village clerk or treasurer’s office,
  • your county clerk or treasurer, and
  • many others.

State units of government include:

  • Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV or DOT),
  • Department of Natural Resources (DNR),
  • Department of Workforce Development (DWD),
  • Department of Human Services, and
  • many others.

Federal units of government include:

  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
  • Medicare (not second party vendors),
  • Social Security, and
  • many others.


Examples of acceptable documents include (but are not limited to):

  • Fishing and hunting licenses
  • Vehicle registrations
  • Food stamps, Wisconsin Works, Wisconsin Shares, and BadgerCare notices and correspondence
  • Medicare notices and Medicare Explanation of Benefits (not from 2nd party providers or other health insurance providers)
  • Social Security and SSI notices and benefits statements
  • Public high school, technical college, and public university correspondence and documents, including: admissions correspondence, financial aid notices, report cards, and schedules
  • Federal student loan correspondence and notices
  • Billing statements and collection notices from a governmental entity
  • Correspondence from a federally recognized Native American Tribe living in Wisconsin.


Voting by absentee ballot

Registered voters may request an absentee ballot for one election or for all elections in a calendar year by making a request in writing to Town Clerk Mary Lloyd-Jones, 6514 Hillside School Rd, Spring Green, WI 53588 or [email protected]You must provide a copy of your Photo ID or you will not receive a ballot.

In person “early” voting by absentee ballot

Registered voters who wish to vote in person early by absentee ballot may contact Town Clerk Mary Lloyd-Jones at (608) 588-4335, or [email protected] for an appointment. You must bring your Photo ID.

Read more about absentee voting. 


Voting and Election Resources